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Extension (ESModule)


This documentation is for GNOME 45. See ExtensionUtils for the utilities available for previous versions.



Each extension and extension preferences class is passed an instance metadata object to its constructor(). This object can be retrieved from the instance using the metadata property.


  • uuid (String) — The extension UUID (JavaScript: read-only)
  • name (String) — The extension name (JavaScript: read-only)
  • description (String) — The extension description (JavaScript: read-only)
  • shell-version (Array(String)) — The list of supported GNOME Shell versions (JavaScript: read-only)
  • dir (Gio.File) — The extension directory as a Gio.File (JavaScript: read-only)
  • path (String) — The extension directory as a path (JavaScript: read-only)



For convenience, the extension.js and prefs.js modules both export aliases for Gettext functions that return translations for the current extension.

  • gettext(str) — Translate str using the extension's gettext domain extension's directory
    • str (String) — The string to translate
    • Returns (String) — The translated string
  • ngettext(str, strPlural, n) — Translate str and choose the plural form
    • str (String) — The string to translate
    • strPlural (String) — The plural form of the string
    • n (Number) — The quantity for which translation is needed
    • Returns (String) — The translated string
  • pgettext(context, str) — Translate str in the context of context
    • context (String) — The context to disambiguate str
    • str (String) — The string to translate
    • Returns (String) — The translated string



Parent Class: Object (Source)

The ExtensionBase class is the base class for the Extension and ExtensionPreferences classes.

This class should never be subclassed directly, and when overriding the constructor() for Extension or ExtensionPreferences, the metadata argument must be passed to the parent class.

Static Methods

  • lookupByUUID(uuid) — Lookup an extension by UUID (e.g.
    • uuid (String) — An extension's UUID value
    • Returns (ExtensionBase|null) — The extension object instance
  • lookupByURL(url) — Lookup an extension by URL (i.e. import.meta.url)
    • url (String) — A file:// URL
    • Returns (ExtensionBase|null) — The extension object instance


  • new ExtensionBase(metadata) — Constructor
  • getSettings(schema) — Get a GSettings object for schema, using schemas from the extension's directory
    • schema (String) — A schema ID, or metadata['settings-schema'] if omitted
    • Returns (Gio.Settings) — A new settings object
  • initTranslations(domain) — Initialize Gettext to load translations from the extension's directory
    • domain (String) — A gettext domain, or metadata['gettext-domain'] if omitted
  • gettext(str) — Translate str using the extension's gettext domain extension's directory
    • str (String) — The string to translate
    • Returns (String) — The translated string
  • ngettext(str, strPlural, n) — Translate str and choose the plural form
    • str (String) — The string to translate
    • strPlural (String) — The plural form of the string
    • n (Number) — The quantity for which translation is needed
    • Returns (String) — The translated string
  • pgettext(context, str) — Translate str in the context of context
    • context (String) — The context to disambiguate str
    • str (String) — The string to translate
    • Returns (String) — The translated string


  • dir (Gio.File) — Gets the extension's directory (JavaScript: read-only)
  • metadata (ExtensionMetadata) — The instance metadata object (JavaScript: read-only)
  • path (String) — Gets the path to the extension's directory (JavaScript: read-only)
  • uuid (String) — Gets the extension's UUID value (JavaScript: read-only)



See the examples for Extension and ExtensionPreferences for instance method usage.

Using Extension static methods:

import {Extension} from 'resource:///org/gnome/shell/extensions/extension.js';

let extensionObject, extensionSettings;

// Getting the extension object by UUID
extensionObject = Extension.lookupByUUID('');
extensionSettings = extensionObject.getSettings();

// Getting the extension object by URL
extensionObject = Extension.lookupByURL(import.meta.url);
extensionSettings = extensionObject.getSettings();

Using ExtensionPreferences static methods:

import {ExtensionPreferences} from 'resource:///org/gnome/Shell/Extensions/js/extensions/prefs.js';

let extensionObject, extensionSettings;

// Getting the extension object by UUID
extensionObject = ExtensionPreferences.lookupByUUID('');
extensionSettings = extensionObject.getSettings();

// Getting the extension object by URL
extensionObject = ExtensionPreferences.lookupByURL(import.meta.url);
extensionSettings = extensionObject.getSettings();


Parent Class: ExtensionBase (Source)

The Extension class is a base class for extensions to inherit from.


  • new Extension(metadata) — Constructor
  • enable() — Called to enable an extension
  • disable() — Called to disable an extension
  • openPreferences() — Open the extension's preferences window


See the properties inherited from ExtensionBase.


import St from 'gi://St';

import {Extension} from 'resource:///org/gnome/shell/extensions/extension.js';
import * as Main from 'resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/main.js';
import * as PanelMenu from 'resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/panelMenu.js';

export default class ExampleExtension extends Extension {
    enable() {
        // Create a panel button
        this._indicator = new PanelMenu.Button(0.0,, false);

        // Add an icon
        const icon = new St.Icon({
            icon_name: 'face-laugh-symbolic',
            style_class: 'system-status-icon',

        // Add the indicator to the panel
        Main.panel.addToStatusArea(this.uuid, this._indicator);

    disable() {
        this._indicator = null;


Parent Class: ExtensionBase (Source)

The ExtensionPreferences class is a base for extension preferences classes to inherit from. There are two ways to implement preferences using this class:

  • implementing the fillPreferencesWindow(window) method;
  • implementing the getPreferencesWidget() method.

It is recommended to override the fillPreferencesWindow(), and if so, getPreferencesWidget() will not be called. If getPreferencesWidget() is implemented instead, the default implementation of fillPreferencesWindow() will place the widget it returns in an appropriate parent widget like Adw.PreferencesPage or Adw.PreferencesGroup.


  • new ExtensionPreferences(metadata) — Constructor
  • getPreferencesWidget() — Called to create a
    • Returns (Gtk.Widget) A preferences widget
  • fillPreferencesWindow(window) — Called to setup the preferences window
    • window (Adw.PreferencesWindow) — The preferences window that will be presented to the user.


See the properties inherited from ExtensionBase.


import Gio from 'gi://Gio';
import Adw from 'gi://Adw';

import {ExtensionPreferences, gettext as _} from 'resource:///org/gnome/Shell/Extensions/js/extensions/prefs.js';

export default class ExamplePreferences extends ExtensionPreferences {
    fillPreferencesWindow(window) {
        // Create a preferences page, with a single group
        const page = new Adw.PreferencesPage({
            title: _('General'),
            icon_name: 'dialog-information-symbolic',

        const group = new Adw.PreferencesGroup({
            title: _('Appearance'),
            description: _('Configure the appearance of the extension'),

        // Create a new preferences row
        const row = new Adw.SwitchRow({
            title: _('Show Indicator'),
            subtitle: _('Whether to show the panel indicator'),

        // Create a settings object and bind the row to the `show-indicator` key
        window._settings = this.getSettings();
        window._settings.bind('show-indicator', row, 'active',


Parent Class: Object (Source)

GNOME Shell extensions are often created for the purpose of modifying some default Shell behavior. The InjectionManager class is a convenience for patching class methods in GNOME Shell. Methods are usually overridden in the enable() method of an Extension, and restored to their original form in the disable() method.



Whether a function expression or an arrow function is returned, changes the this object.

This is the callback passed to overrideMethod(). It receives the original method as its only argument, and should return a new method to replace it with.

  • CreateOverrideFunc(originalMethod)
    • originalMethod (Function|undefined) — The original method (if it exists)
    • Returns (Function) — A function to be used as override


  • new InjectionManager() — Constructor
  • overrideMethod(prototype, methodName, createOverrideFunc) — Modify, replace, or inject a method
    • prototype (Object) — The object (or prototype) that is being modified
    • methodName (String) — The name of the overwritten method
    • createOverrideFunc (CreateOverrideFunc) — A function to call to create the override
  • restoreMethod(prototype, methodName) — Restore the original method
    • prototype (Object) — The object (or prototype) that is being modified
    • methodName (String) — The name of the overwritten method
  • clear() — Restore all original methods and clear overrides


export default class ExampleExtension extends Extension {
    enable() {
        this._injectionManager = new InjectionManager();

        // Overriding a method with an *arrow function*
        this._injectionManager.overrideMethod(Panel.prototype, 'toggleCalendar',
            originalMethod => {
                return args => {
                    console.debug(`${}: toggling calendar`);
          , ...args);

        // Overriding a method with a *function expression*
        this._injectionManager.overrideMethod(Panel.prototype, 'toggleQuickSettings',
            originalMethod => {
                const metadata = this.metadata;

                return function (...args) {
                    console.debug(`${}: toggling quick settings`);
          , ...args);

    disable() {
        this._injectionManager = null;

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